
  • Gentoo: How to debug Exim

    If you have some problem with exim, and the logs are not enough, edit the /etc/conf.d/exim file, and add the debugging option (-d): /etc/conf.d/exim# Command-line options for running eximEXIM_OPTS=”-bd -q15m -d” Then restart exim: # /etc/init.d/exim restart The exim daemon will not be detached from the console, the debug information will be printed to the…

  • pygit2 v0.17.3 released

    This should be the last release in the v0.17 series. The master branch has already been moved to be based in the libgit2’s development branch. New in v0.17.3: New Blob.size getter New Repository.create_blob_fromfile method Signature, now the time and offset parameters are optional Improved diff support Add pygit2.__version__ Optimize usage of Travis Various fixes for…

  • CSS: Sticky footer

    If you look around for a technique to get the footer stick to the bottom of the web page, you will find many variants on same theme (using absolute positioning, etc.). All have the same problem: the footer has fixed height, it does not grow with its content. But there is one way to get…

  • ikaaro 0.75 released

    Almost two years have passed since the previous major release of the ikaaro web framework, and the itools library. The new release has tons of changes, so many I will not try to list them here. This release is used by BePatient and some intranets. I have labelled this release as beta, because the code…

  • pygit2 v0.17.2 released

    Just a week after the release of v0.17.1, here is v0.17.2, it fixes a single but rather important bug. The source distribution, as it was uploaded to pypi, was badly broken: it did not include fundamental files, so the package did not build at all. The problem was reported in issue 115 The bug was…

  • pygit2 0.17.1 released

    pygit2 is a Python package that gives access to core features of the Git control version system. These features are implemented by the libgit2 shared library written in C, pygit2 is just a Python wrapper around this library. The new version 0.17.1 of pygit2 adds several new features: support for diffs, the reflog and configuration…

  • Gentoo: the HForge overlay

    Just updated the ebuilds for itools and ikaaro in the hforge overlay, so I thought this is a good time to document how to use the hforge overlay. Layman with Git support If you have not installed layman yet, you have to, with the git use flag: /etc/portage/package.useapp-portage/layman git Then emerge layman: $ sudo emerge…

  • Python: Running Valgrind on a C extension

    This is how I use Valgrind to check for memory bugs in pygit2. UPDATED 2019-10-09 Glibc with debug symbols The first issue I run into is that Valgrind refused to work if Glibc was not compiled with debug symbols. This is how I did in my Gentoo notebook, I edited the /etc/portage/make.conf file to enable…

  • Gentoo: Mailman with Nginx & Exim

    UPDATE 2019-06-23: Change /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib64/ (after upgrade to Gentoo profile 17.1) UPDATE 2017-05-11: Use https, with Let’s Encrypt. UPDATE 2014-07-23: Forgot to give nginx access to mailman archives. Stop using sudo. Use service. UPDATE 2012-12-10: the process has been simplified now that bug #37429 is fixed. This is how I installed Mailman in a…

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