ikaaro 0.75 released

Almost two years have passed since the previous major release of the ikaaro web framework, and the itools library. The new release has tons of changes, so many I will not try to list them here.

This release is used by BePatient and some intranets.

I have labelled this release as beta, because the code to upgrade from the previous major release (0.62) is missing. Though, this is probably unfair since this version is already being used in production, and it is recommended to use it for new projects.






5 responses to “ikaaro 0.75 released”

  1. Norman Khine Avatar

    one thing i noticed in the release is that you can no longer have multiple websites from one ikaaro instance, is this planned to be integrated later?

  2. J. David Ibáñez Avatar

    There are no plans to get back the multi-site feature. It doesn’t mean it
    won’t happen, though will likely be quite different.

    1. Norman Khine Avatar

      i am curious to know why you chose to remove the multi-site feature as it seems that most CMS’s and E-commerce shops are re-writing their code to have exactly this feature, for example drupal-multi sites or the new version of prestashop 1.5

      another cool thing would be to be able to have a remote storage based on a per folder, like for example on github, when you create a repository, in this case a folder becomes a repository and you can choose where you want to store this.

    2. J. David Ibáñez Avatar

      The multi-site feature added too much complexity. The idea is to get it back in a different form: to have a web application where you can add new sites, but where each site is an independent ikaaro instance.

      Your second comment, I don’t get it.

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