Month: March 2018

  • Throttling outbound emails with Mailman & Exim

    Many ISPs have limits on the amount of emails received in a period of time, not respecting this will reduce the reputation of the sender. Mailman 2 doesn’t support throttling, though there’re some patches in the wild adding this feature. Exim supports rate limiting incoming emails, but not emails going out, though it may be…

  • Pygit2 0.26.4 adds support for worktrees

    See the full list of changes. Thanks to Raphael Medaer, Mikhail Yushkovskiy, Brandon Milton, Erik Johnson, Peter-Yi Zhang, Natanael Arndt, Nick Hynes, Andrey Trubachev, CJ Harries, Mark Adams and Remy Suen. Resources: Download from Documentation at Join us at Enjoy!